Dolphin Observation in Vonitsa, Greece

Contact me by sending an email to dolphinobserver @, delete the spaces when composing an email.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

School's Out!

We are getting everything together for the trip. I hope to get some images up from our experiences with the manatee in Florida. We leave for Europe on Monday.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Here's the start....

We had been to Florida many times. I had encountered some manatee before, but on my dad's birthday I did not know this would be the start.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Research of Greece

Several students have begun their research on Greece. Many are excited about working on their projects to learn more about Greece. Here is a picture from the Tethys Research page with some of the dolphins we will be monitoring... I look forward to adding my own to this page.